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Friday, December 3, 2010

Free Applications

I started off preview the Google Doc application.  I have to admit I sat and starred at it a bit, fiddled around, and then decided to look for a tutorial on it!  It was very helpful in guiding me through some of it's options.  The thing I like the most about it is how easy it is to create and manipulate various documents with a group of either co-workers or students.  I liked that there was the ability to use applications such as powerpoint through this program.  In addition, it allows you to download already created either presentations or documents, invite others to come along for the ride, and then each invited individual can add or delete what they would like.  I also enjoyed that you were able to import pictures, videos, etc.  I also loved that you were able to organize all of your documents in an orderly fashion so that they were easily accessible. 

I think this would be valuable to use with adults/staff.  My fear with students is that they are able to manipulate each other's information whenever they desire.  I think there are many students that might spend quality time on a piece they added and then another student could just come and manipulate it and they would be quite bummed.  I think I need to play around and see if there is a way of putting more specific control over how the documents can be maniuplate and shared.  I would definitely recommend this to co-workers because it gives them the ability to share and create presentations/documents without all being around one computer or crossing things off on paper and then putting it back in the computer.

I then decided to play with Picnik.  I loved the name and thought let's give it a try.  I absolutely was blown away with this online application.  This application allows you to edit your photos.  There are so many possibiliities with this application in terms of its editing ability.  You were able to do all the normal editing such as croping, red eye, rotation, black/white/sepia, and ordering various sizes.  That was only a minute piece of this application.  My comment to my husband after playing with it was, "Gosh, you pretty much don't need to be a good photographer, but just be a phenominal editor!"  I was amazed on the that you could grab photos from picasa, flickr, facebook, photobucket, myspace, webshots, webs, and your computer.  Its editing abilities is unreal.  You're able to create all different kinds of effects, use fonts, and also framing.  You're able to print, show, and/or share your photos in all various ways.  I would absolutely recommend this to co-workers!  I think they would REALLY love what this application has to offer.  I could see using this application with older students only for the purpose of hitting the artist side of an assignment.  I don't know if there would be much more academic purpose for this application.  Although, it is very fun to use and I for me addicting!  I definitely could see myself spending hours playing around with photos.